I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of reading articles that tell us (more like shout at us) a list of foods that we
eat. "Top Ten Superfoods for Health!" or "Twelve Foods You Simply Must Be Eating!" And nevermind that all of the lists are different -- sure, a few favorites like blueberries and tomatoes seem to make it on to every list -- but recently I stumbled across one that included kale and watercress.
? Really? I'm not at all opposed to this leafy green vegetable but I can't ever recall a time when it was a "must have" on my shopping list. This got me thinking -- who comes up with these lists? What makes one healthy food superior to another? And how do they narrow it down to only ten foods? I have noticed that some of them include far more than ten foods by listing very broad categories such as "fruit" or "whole grains." That seems a bit like cheating, to me. If you're going to tell people ten foods they must eat, then be specific. Entire categories of food are too vague.
I've always been a big believer that eating a wide variety of foods will help one cover all their nutritional bases. Having said that, I notice that the same ten or twelve foods keep appearing on my grocery list and menu. As mentioned in a previous Healthy Tip, studies show that people tend to eat the same foods over and over. I guess I am no different. Here is my list of favorites -- I almost always eat all ten every week, and oftentimes eat all ten in
! I hope you will be inspired to include some of these on your shopping list and in your weekly menus:
2. Spinach - This nutritional workhorse is one of the easiest superfoods to slip into your everyday repertoire. Bags of pre-washed fresh baby spinach are conveniently located in your grocer's produce section and make adding spinach to meals a breeze. At breakfast, toss a handful in with scrambled eggs or an omelette. At lunch, use it on a sandwich in place of lettuce. Add it to tossed salads (a superior alternative to lettuces) and chilled pasta salads. At dinner, add it to soups, sauces and hot pasta dishes. Or serve it on it's own as a side dish -- drizzle a little olive oil, add a few fresh cloves of garlic, and steam it in a scant amount of water for only a minute or two, just until wilted. Spinach is low in calories, yet extremely high in vitamins, minerals -- especially iron -- and other phytonutrients.
3. Oats - I am willing to bet that most people who say they don't like oatmeal have never had it prepared deliciously. Too often, people add boiling water to their oats -- usually the quick-cooking or instant variety rather than the old-fashioned rolled oats. Quick-cooking and instant are mushier in texture because they have been more heavily processed, and water doesn't add any additional flavor or nutrients. The end result is a gloppy, sticky, flavorless substance that resembles wallpaper paste! On the other hand, old-fashioned rolled oats prepared with milk instead of water, drizzled with a bit of honey, and topped with berries, bananas and walnuts is unbelievably tasty. The natural sugars in the milk add a hint of sweetness and flavor, and the overall texture is better. Oats aren't just for breakfast though. They make a delicious addition to meatloaf and meatballs, a savory coating for chicken and pork dishes, and elevate muffins, cookies and granola bars to a healthier level. Oats are a significant source of dietary fiber. One component of this fiber is beta-glucans, a substance which acts as an "entrapment" for bad cholesterol. In study after study, oats have been proven to lower cholesterol when eaten on a daily basis. Oats contain hundreds of phytochemicals (plant chemicals) which are believed to reduce a person's risk of getting cancer. Because of their high fiber content, oats have been shown to aid in bowel function as well as weight control. Studies also show reduced blood pressure in people who eat a daily serving of oats.

4. Almonds - These teardrop-shaped treats just may be the closest thing to nature's perfect food. Jam-packed with calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, and folic acid, they pack a powerful nutritional punch for something so small. They are high in monounsaturated fats, the same type found in healthy olive oil, which are healthy for your heart and do not raise cholesterol. Just one ounce -- approximately 20-25 almonds -- contains as much calcium as 1/4 cup milk so they are particularly attractive to people who need to avoid dairy products. They come in many varieties including natural raw and oven-roasted and their portability makes them a perfect snack along with a piece of fruit. Sliced almonds are delicious on cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, salads, and as a crunchy coating for fish and chicken. While a very healthy choice, they
are high in calories so it's best to measure these tasty tidbits into one-ounce servings.
5. Tomatoes - How can we possibly say enough good things about them in a single paragraph?! Tomatoes are loaded with vitamin C and lycopene and are considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet. But tomatoes weren't always so popular. A member of the deadly nightshade family, tomatoes were once considered poisonous and inedible and were generally avoided in the western world. It has only been as recent as the early 19th century that people realized not only were they safe to eat, tomatoes also had tremendous health benefits. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that flushes out free-radicals from the bloodstream, is found in very high levels in tomatoes. Lycopene gives tomatoes their rich red color and has been proven to reduce cancers such as prostate, cervical, colon, rectal, and cancers of the stomach, mouth, pharynx, and esophagus when consumed in high levels. There are an endless variety of tomatoes which means they can be enjoyed in many ways. Of course they are a staple in pasta dishes, soups and stews, delicious on top of a salad, and are a necessary ingredient in a BLT. Smaller varieties like cherry, grape and cherub tomatoes make quick and delicious snacks.
6. Fish - Ok, I realize this is one of those broad categories that I was criticizing earlier (sorry!) but I find it impossible to recommend only one kind of fish. The reality is, with the high levels of mercury that can occur in all types of fish, it is best to mix it up and eat a wide variety. Fish is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which our bodies cannot produce on their own. Omega-3s have been shown to decrease heart disease, reduce blood pressure, and promote healthy brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in every kind of fish, but are especially high in fatty fish. Good fish choices for Omega-3’s include salmon, tuna (canned light), trout, sardines, sea bass, oysters, crab, perch, shrimp, and cod. (1) The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fish per week. My favorite quick and easy method for preparing white, flaky fish such as cod or halibut is to brush it with olive oil, season with Mrs. Dash, crushed red pepper, fresh ground black pepper, and top with fresh bread crumbs and chopped tomatoes (there are those tomatoes again!). Bake at 400 degrees for approximately 12-15 minutes until fish is opaque and flakes easily with a fork. This makes a perfect lunch or dinner. Fish is high in protein, low in fat, and an extremely healthy addition to any diet.
7. Eggs - Perhaps one of the most maligned food items in the past, the pendulum has swung the other way for the lowly egg. Sworn off for their high cholesterol content, researchers and nutritionists now know that the egg can be a very healthy addition to one's diet. Harvard researchers have concluded that "dietary cholesterol isn't nearly the villain it's been portrayed to be." In a recent study, they found "the biggest influence on blood cholesterol level is the mix of fats in your diet—
not the amount of cholesterol you eat from food," with trans fats and saturated fats being the biggest culprit in driving up cholesterol. (2) Of course if you suffer from heart disease or diabetes you will want to check with your doctor first, but most health experts now give the green light to moderate egg consumption. This is good news for healthy individuals who love eggs! Eggs are quick to prepare, high in protein, relatively low in calories, and a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. They are portable when hard-boiled which makes them a convenient snack. Evidence shows that organic eggs from free-range chickens are much higher in Omega-3s, lower in saturated fats, and just plain taste better than eggs from commercially raised chickens. This may be one area where it pays to buy the best. If you are concerned about calories or fat, you can always add egg whites to one whole egg. This gives all the benefits of extra protein without the extra calories (55 calories in the yolk while the white contains only 16 calories).

8. Sweet Potatoes - If I had to pick a favorite among my Top Ten list, this is it. This nutritional all-star is full of good things including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, iron, magnesium and phytochemicals like beta carotene and lutein. Only distantly related to the white potato (and don't confuse it with a yam -- it's not even the same species!), this superfood is versatile, portable and delicious. Even though they are called "sweet" potatoes, they actually take much longer to digest and enter the blood stream than white potatoes whose starches quickly convert to sugar. Baked whole, oven-fried in olive oil, or mashed and served in a casserole, sweet potatoes make a perfect accompaniment to any meal. What I love about them (and this is often overlooked) is how portable they are. They can be microwaved at home and taken along when you go out. Later, when they have cooled, they can be peeled like a banana and eaten whole. Don't forget to pierce them with a fork a couple of times before microwaving or baking to allow the steam to escape.
9. Extra Virgin Olive Oil - One of the few oils that is delicious enough to eat right out of the bottle,
Extra Virgin olive oil comes from the first cold pressing of the olives and has the freshest flavor and the most nutrients. Do not confuse it with
Virgin olive oil or
Pure olive oil. Virgin olive oil is still delicious but comes from the second pressing of the olives so it has slightly less flavor and more acidity. Pure olive oil can be rather misleading because it is often a blend of either extra virgin or virgin olive oil as well as poor quality olive oils that are refined. The health benefits really are dramatically different among the three types of olive oil, so it pays to buy the best extra virgin oil you can afford. A staple of the healthy Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats and relatively low in saturated fats. In numerous studies, it has been associated with reduced risk of coronory disease, reduced cancer rates including breast, lung, stomach, small intestine and colorectal cancers, and supports overall bone health and cognitive function. Extra virgin olive oil is especially delicious right out of the bottle when accompanied by a hearty whole grain bread for dipping. You can drizzle it over steamed vegetables, add it to pasta sauces, and use it on noodles in place of butter to prevent sticking together. It is perfect for sauteeing delicate fish and chicken cutlets, imparting a sweet, nutty flavor when heated. Olive oil is also wonderful for skin and hair and can be applied to both as an extra-nutritive conditioner. Include up to a tablespoon of this wonder-food in your diet each day to glean the most benefit.
10. Brown rice - The ugly duckling of the rice world, brown rice is quickly becoming the
rice du jour among foodies and people with discerning palates. Unlike white rice which has had the germ and the bran stripped (thus almost all of the nutrients are gone) brown rice has had only the outer, inedible hull removed. Because it still has the germ and the bran, it has as much as 70% more nutrients than its stripped, bleached and polished cousin, white rice. It has a nuttier, chewier flavor and texture and retains its natural color from the fields. It is an excellent source of manganese, magnesium and selenium and is rich in fiber. Like other whole grains, brown rice is slow to digest and enter the bloodstream, making it a perfect carbohydrate to pair with protein and healthy fats. If the taste is too bland for your liking, you can add flavor by cooking it in low sodium chicken broth. You can also make a delicious rice pilaf by sauteeing it raw in extra virgin olive oil, then steaming it with chopped cashews and mushrooms.
Well, there you have it -- my top ten superfoods! You will notice that all of these foods are unprocessed and contain no additives or preservatives. They are readily available in any grocery store and provide a wide array of nutrients. They combine well with eachother and other foods, can be eaten at any time of day, and are convenient to prepare and store. This week, your task is to add some or all of these superfoods to your grocery list. Over the next few days and weeks, make it a goal to include all ten in your weekly menus.
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."
~ Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
1. Health Benefits of Fish, Washington State Department of Health, http://www.doh.wa.gov/ehp/oehas/fish/fishbenefits.htm
2. Fats and Cholesterol - The Bottom Line, Harvard School of Public Health, http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/fats-full-story/index.html